Living Options

Residents socializing at Vista Prairie at North Pointe in North Mankato, Minnesota

Vista Prairie’s Assisted Living Program

We know just how important it is to feel comfortable and safe in your own home. Whether you or your loved one need round-the-clock care or just a helping hand here and there.

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Vista Prairie’s Care Suites

Offering an enhanced level of care for older adults, our Care Suites are designed to help residents feel safe, secure, and supported in a cozy, home-like residence.

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Elderly man pushing wife in wheelchair at Vista Prairie at North Pointe in North Mankato, Minnesota
Independent senior couple playing cards at Vista Prairie at North Pointe in North Mankato, Minnesota

Vista Prairie’s Independence Plus Program

Our Independence Plus or "peace of mind" program gives residents access to licensed nursing staff as well as 24/7 care staff in case of an emergency. This, plus all of the activities, maintenance-free living, and life supports when you need them. You can expect a lifestyle of independence, choice, belonging, and peace of mind here at North Pointe. 

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Welcome to the Good Life